Fan Fiction

DISCLAIMER: The following are of fictional work–as stated in the title–and should not be taken seriously or be accounted for actual facts in any way. These are not aimed to confuse or mislead anyone for that matter. These are not meant to offend or disrespect any of the artists mentioned in the works either. Their purpose only serves to entertain and share with other fans who also like those artists. Thank you for reading.

One-Shot Corner

A Gangster’s Life Saga
The Other Extreme


Neurotic: Relentless Cycle
Neurotic: Tainted World

Slanted Thoughts
Slanted Thoughts 2: Edge of Darkness

The Dating Game
The Dating Game 2: A Whole New Game
The Dating Game 3: Original Course
The Dating Game 4: Bridge of Hope
The Dating 5: Rebirth
The Dating 6: A Team Divided
The Dating Game 7: Kaleidoscope & Tears
The Dating Game 8: This, I Promise You

Crime Solving / Gangster
Scheming Nature

Friendship / Romance
Heaven’s Gift
Honey In Tea
Slicing Boundary
True Friendship

Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Adventure
When Wishes Come True

Beyond the Mix
The Business